About SOS

About Somerville Open Studios

Somerville Open Studios (SOS) is a non-profit organization formed for the purpose of producing an annual open studio and related events in Somerville, Massachusetts.


Sponsorship / Ad sales
Poster Distribution
Mapbook Distribution
Proof Readers
Exhibit Support - Volunteer Show
Exhibit Support - First Look Show
Hang First Look Show
First Look Show Reception
Map Stands Install / Remove
Flatbread fundraiser table sitting
Beyond the Pattern runway show
During-Event Ambassadors

if you entered other, fill in details in the Comments.
Comments are also our chance to tell us something about yourself or to suggest some other way you would like to be involved.

Position Details

Sponsorship / Ad sales - Now through end of Feb.
Promote SOS sponsorship to businesses

Marketing - Now through May.
Promote and Market SOS

Poster Distribution - mid-March to Mid-April.
tape posters in shop windows

Mapbook Distribution - mid-April through SOS weekend
fill selected mapstands, place maps in select businesses.

Proof Readers - mid March
carefully read through entire mapbook

Exhibit Support - Volunteer Show
Drop-off help
and help hang group art show at Bloc 11. Dates TBD

Exhibit Support - First Look Show - dates in late March through mid-May
accept art, process forms for drop off
return art, process forms for pick up

Hang First Look Show - help hang show in the exhibit space

First Look Show Reception - Before or After the show help
set-up food, tables. After help clean up, put away tables

Map Stands Install / Remove - 1 or 2 days, early Apr.
driving, lifting, installing mapstands

Flatbread fundraiser table sitting - Date TBD
hour-long shifts: sell raffle tickets, promote SOS

Beyond the Pattern runway show - Wed. May 1 2019, Thur. May 2 2019 afternoon-evening
Models, lights, slides, setup, hair & makeup, greeter, ushers, photo & video, runners
(See this page for show description)
During-Event Ambassadors - Sat. May 4 2019, Sun., May 5 2019
2 Hour Shifts from 11:00am - 6pm
at Info Booths and on Trolleys
greet visitors, explain event
cannot be participating artist!!

Fill in details of what you are looking to help with in the comment block. This actually helps our volunteer coordinators a bit, we will read it and try and contact you as new oppurtunitied arrive
(c) 2019 Somerville Open Studios -     contact Us